about Soulber...
“To be free of anything weighing down your soul.” But what exactly does that mean???"
While eating well and exercise make up a big part of healthy living, there’s so much more to it than just that. You can eat carrots until you’re orange in the face but if you hate your boss or can’t stand the city you live in… you most likely won’t feel your best day to day. It is so important to nourish your mind, soul and heart as it is your body. We feed ourselves lots of other “food” that doesn’t come on a plate.
We like to look at health and wellness from a holistic approach. We also like to take care of the healthy eating side of things for you ;) so you can spend your time and energy feeding your soul and not stressing about what’s for dinner!
So at this point you may be wondering… ok diet and exercise, but what other food are you talking about???
- relationships
- love
- career
- connection
- spirituality
- purpose
- fulfillment
- play
When all of these are in balance, you’re eating well and getting regular movement… you’re LIVING SOULBER 🙌🏻
Our vision is a community of people, growing and learning together, and supporting one another along the way. A community of people living in gratitude and continually evolving, living a life where their souls are being fed, so in turn life can feed them.
Our mission is to provide you with the actual food and tools you need, without the hassle, so you can focus on the rest.